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Cost allocation
- Flat ownership: According to the Residential Property Law (WEG), property expenses are borne by the flat owners based on the agreement of their share of co-ownership. Under the agreement of all homeowners or in the ownership contract, a different basis of allocation can be agreed. There is an exception if so-called existing agreements are present in the statement of flat ownership. The operating costs are then divided according to the agreement that existed before the statement of flat ownership. In most cases, this is according to usable area. The remaining expenses are accordingly allocated according to shares in the land register. As soon as the final existing agreement has ended, all property expenses are distributed in accordance with stipulated shares in the land register.
- Rented house: Within the scope of the Act on Tenancy Law (MRG), the operating costs are basically borne by tenants according to usable area. In the sections on partial and full exceptions, cost allocation can be freely agreed between the tenant and landlord.